Monday, August 23, 2010


The best literary hero that comes to mind is superman. Superman is a fantastic hero because he saves everyone that is in need. He is brave, strong, and helpful. Superman could be doing something no involving saving someone and he will take time out of his regular life to help a person in need. He fights villains and keeps his city the safest as he possibly can.

My personal heroes is my mom and dad. They raised me to be the person I am today. My parents would do anything for me because they love me and care for me. They have taught me the importance of life and chose to put God in my life. I am blessed to have parents that love and care for me as much as they do.

One person that comes to mind when I hear Popular hero is Dr.King. He kept the civil rights movement going when no other person would take that responsibility. He risked his life for what he believed in. Dr.King knew what was right and stepped up for millions of black citizens. He risked his life for his race.